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Accessibility Complaint / Grievance Form
Current step: Contact. Step 1 of 3.
Form Instructions
- If you wish to file a grievance related to problems accessing particular pages or sections of the website, please complete this form.
- All fields marked "required" must be completed.
- This material can be made available upon request in an alternative format as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
- In lieu of submitting this form online, you may choose to download and mail a printed version: Grievance Form PDF
- To request in-person accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act, please visit the Request for Accommodation page.
- For other accessibility concerns or to activate the AudioEye toolbar, please visit the Accessibility page.
- For further assistance, you may direct your request to the ADA Title II and Section 504 Coordinator listed below.
Step 1: Contact Information
Further Assistance
For further assistance, you may direct your request to the following:
Attn: Tim Hagan
ADA Title II and Section 504 Coordinator
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
2880 International Circle, Suite 100
Colorado Springs, CO 80910
Email: Accessibility@pprbd.org
Phone: 719-327-2880